Bruno Verret

Bruno Verret

Passionate from generation to generation

Bruno Verret
Passionate from generation to generation


In 1993, once he had his wine business diploma, Bruno joined his parents and grandparents in the family farm in Saint Bris le Vineux

Quickly he takes the lead with the desire to make this wine estate grow.

With respect for the work of his forefathers, he continues every day to grow grapes and make wine carefully, with the sole purpose to produce typical wines of the region by preserving the characteristics of each of its terroirs.

Always listening to his entourage, he welcomes comments and advice as he is constantly looking for new ideas to improve his natural environment, sharing between the traditions and modern developments.

If all the tasks are home-made, he does not hesitate to take advice from outside to analyse his wines or the cultivation of his plots, keeping himself informed of everything that would allow him to evolve further.

With this state of winning mind, of a fighter that he leads today his team of 22 people to drive his vineyard which has 66 hectares, spread out in the towns of Saint Bris, Irancy and Chablis, producing the equivalent of 300,000 bottles of some 20 appellations, made from Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon, Gamay and Aligoté grape varieties.

He has also been actively involved in the wine-growing industry since 2019 and his role is to accompany, defend and represent appellations, winemakers and his region.

Also the heir of a beautiful heritage, he launches himself with his sister in wine tourism in 2009 by restoring a family house that he transformed into a cottage, preserving authenticity and in order to welcome guests and make them discover this region that he loves so much.

At just 50 years old, he was eager to sail his boat his own way, a family management, a sharp culture, an open mind, full of ideas and the will to continue in this line that has always been entrusted to him.

And a lot of other projects in the drawers, such as agroforestry, whose goal is to bring an association of trees, of hedges and crops or animals on the same plot thus bringing a greater biological diversity and the creation of a microclimate favorable to a healthier production.

The succession seems assured by his eldest daughter, Clémence, who has joined the Domaine for over a year, and by the second, Héloïse, who is perfecting her education and should soon join the team.

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